About LifeZone Soccer: You are the Change!


While the organization has been active in the community since 1996, the Life Zone Schools’ Soccer Model (under 7′s to under 13′s) was launched in February 2006 in the Maitland Schools’ Sports Cluster by Jeremy Wyngaard who was supported by volunteers from the Factreton community.

Jeremy, a former professional soccer player in the 90′s with Hellenic and Santos, and now a Research Associate at Stellenbosch University’s Theology Faculty (www.sun.ac.za) is the Director of this program. He was also a provincial Events Coordinator for Dreamfields Project (www.dreamfieldsproject.org) between 2008 and 2017.
Since 2000, Life Zone’s ultimate goal was to build a “Dream Centre” for the Factreton-Kensington community, a venue comprising of at least one full-sized artificial soccer field and a fully equipped 200m indoor athletics track.
Our most recent mass participation event was hosting an Ubuntu Ikapa FA inter-club football festival for boys & girls at our Dream Centre in September 2017. With about 400 girls and boys from many clubs, the Dream Centre was buzzing with excitement – with moms, dads, grand-parents and siblings watching their children play! Who knows which of these starlets will travel to all parts of the globe with Life Zone Soccer in the future? After all, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! Let’s DREAMPOSSIBLE!tm


Jeremy Wyngaard

Founder and Chief Operating Officer, Life Zone Soccer International
- PhD (Theology & Development) at Stellenbosch University (2013)
- Part-time lecturer at Stellenbosch University (2006-2018)
- Former professional football player with Hellenic FC and Santos FC, Cape Town South Africa (1990-1992, 1995)




-Life Zone players at the Dalecarlia Cup in Sweden, July 2009

Happy Life Zone players at the Dalecarlia Cup in Sweden! (2009)