Netherlands 5-a-side artificial “DreamPitch” (2013-18)

The Dreamfields Project, Happy Feet and etv have sponsored Life Zone with a wonderful mini artificial football pitch that has been installed at Wingfield Primary School. Our opening celebration on Saturday 19 October 2013 was another landmark day in Life Zone’s history. Thank you so much to all of our sponsors including Maloucraft, De Villiers Sheard Architects, the Dept of Transport and Public Works, the Department of Education, Wingfield Primary School, coaches, volunteers, schools, clubs, and the broader community for making our day such a resounding success.

LifeZone currently utilizes the DreamPitch for 4 core activities:

  1. conducting physical education classes and values-based education for 700 learners per week
  2. football training for 150 SAFA-registered junior players (
  3. venue for primary schools’ football matches
  4. holiday child-safety programs

In addition we also facilitate youth development programs in conjunction with the Western Cape Government and the Department of Community Safety ( We reach thousands of young children and youth, annually, from our DreamPitch base.

There are also many overseas volunteers, especially from Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Brazil who volunteer at our base throughout the year.


46 Rainbow IMG_0820 48 etv IMG_0906 56 etv IMG_1265 58 Tackle your problems IMG_0274 59 Action IMG_0120 28 Windermere vs Kensington High2IMG_8854 29 High Schools action IMG_8973 31 Dougie & Clare IMG_9022 32 Danny Meiring & Dougie Van Harte IMG_9021 32 Tommy Barese IMG_9013